The Challenge Wales charity helps those who step aboard to develop their personal and social skills, giving people a purpose and helping to broaden their horizons, a goal to strive towards, the opportunity to experience the highs of achievement and success and sometimes the lows of failure but understanding how to cope with that. Teamwork, leadership, discipline, respect for others and communication skills are all developed while onboard  one of our vessels;  72-foot Challenge Wales | Wales’ Tall Ship  and  60-foot Adventure Wales (a two masted schooner).

We provide controlled life-learning for those aged 12 – 25 years.

Challenge Wales also helps our volunteers develop new skills too including confidence, customer service, marketing & presentation skills and informal youth work.

Our Vision
We want to provide the best outdoor learning experience in Wales and the South West and provide the best youth development opportunities for young people.

Our Mission
Challenge Wales provides life development opportunities for young people to enable them to participate positively in society. This is through developing teamwork and communication skills, learning respect and taking responsibility for one’s actions.

Let us introduce 'Luke'....

Moving from unemployment and into work

Luke, aged 18,was unemployed, insular, lacked self-motivation and spent hours in his bedroom. He hadn’t talked for two years and his Youth Worker didn’t think he would hold down a full time job.
What we did: Luke joined us for a 5 day residential
The results: Improved communication and social skills leading him into employment.Read the full impact…

Our voyages
Sailing puts everyone onto a level playing field and takes people out of their comfort zone. Our sail training voyages can be truly life-changing.

Our voyages enable young people to:

  • Develop teamwork skills
  • Improve communication skills
  • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Improve their social skills
  • Understand the importance of time-keeping
  • Understand about healthy eating
  • Understand about global citizenship and Welsh culture
  • Promote respect for the ocean and wildlife
  • Meet others and make new friends
  • Gain Agored Cymru accreditation in Teamwork, Developing Confidence and in an Environmental Project
  • Gain RYA sailing qualifications
  • Time to reflect
  • Have lots of fun!

Our volunteers donate thousands of hours each year to enable Challenge Wales to be one of the most innovative youth work organisations in Wales helping young people to achieve their potential.