Over the past three years, hundreds of young people have benefitted from funded voyages where they were able to learn lifeskills such as teamwork and communication, they improved their self-confidence, achieved Agored Cymru accreditation and learned about the environment by taking part in our shore-side programme and citizen science activities.
Our activities, which happen at sea and on land, have helped young people improve their employment prospects and are also evidenced to improve young people’s mental health. Take a look at some of our case studies!
At the moment we are unable to sail due to Coronavirus but we are planning for the future and the part we will play in a post-Covid world.
So, how can you get involved and help us?
We are looking for 11 – 25 year olds. Challenge Wales is wanting to hear the views of young people to help us shape our next project to help 600 young people improve their employment prospects. Can you help share our short survey with young people aged 11 – 25 years? Perhaps you are a young person yourself and you have a few minutes to fill it in. Just click here to complete the survey.
Do you work with young people aged 11 – 25 years? You might be a group leader, a teacher or a home-schooling parent. If so, we have a different survey for you to complete. Just click here to complete our group leader survey.
To help group leaders, teachers and home-schooling networks to complete the survey with their pupils, students and young people we would love to join you for one of your virtual sessions. We just need 10 minutes of your time to do this to explain what the project is and to get your views. If you would like to take advantage of this and one of our team virtually visiting you then contact us by email or call 029 20 704 657 for more details.
Challenge Wales is an award-winning charity that changes the lives of young people by taking them to sea on Challenge Wales | Wales’ Tall Ship and Adventure Wales.