Tall Ships Races; An Epic Summer Adventure

Challenge Wales is taking part in the Tall Ships Races Series, sailing around 1,200 miles and crewed by young people aged 16 – 25 years.

Before the Tall Ships Races started proper, we had a small group of young people join us for our Falmouth Mini Voyage which took us from Falmouth to Plymouth and back, and who then experienced the frivolities of the crew parade, took part in the inter-crew sports and had the opportunity to climb one of the traditional square riggers in port.

Team Challenge Wales after the crew parade!

Leg 1 of the Tall Ships Races was to take Challenge Wales from Falmouth to Acoruna, across the Bay of Biscay and after we said goodbye to those who joined us on our mini voyage, we said Ahoy and gave a big Welsh Challenge Wales welcome to our new group of young people; individuals from different parts of the UK and overseas.

Storm Betty and lots of fog hampered the start of the race, although it gave the Challenge Wales team and other participants an extra day of training and getting used to living on a boat, but the race started a day later.

The race was a virtual start (now starting on 19th August), which meant Challenge Wales had a few hours to cross the start line. That first day was a bit bumpy thanks to the remnants of the storm but in the middle of the night the wind dropped, which although was welcomed by some of the crew didn’t help our speed in the race!

The Tall Ships Races is an amazing youth event bringing people together from all over the world, and it isn’t just about sailing, it is about the whole experience and being close to the natural world. After the first day was over, we asked those onboard what was the favourite things they’ve seen; seeing dolphins topped the list but was closely followed by “seeing the bioluminescence at night where the water would glow before the dolphins break the surface” while others were amazed at how bright the shooting stars were.

Our second night at sea, saw Challenge Wales becalmed at 0300hrs and got overtaken by another vessel in the race, but the wind made an appearance at 0800hrs this morning so we are second in Class C/D with quite a few of the boats still way behind us.

Challenge Wales is the orange boat in the race

You can follow the progress of Challenge Wales and the Tall Ships fleet here.

Where is the Tall Ships Race heading to and can I still jump onboard?
Yes, you can still be part of this event and jump onboard! Challenge Wales is currently racing from Falmouth to Acoruna (Spain). The next leg starts Acoruna (26th August) and finishes in Lisbon (2nd September) and is a Cruise in Company which involves sailing with the fleet and visiting a couple more ports. The final race is Lisbon (2nd September) to Cadiz (9th September), a short race where the Tall Ships event will finish. Challenge Wales is sailing from Cadiz to Cardiff, via A Coruna for her homeward bound voyage (join Cadiz 9th September and arrive in Cardiff for 22nd September) and this return leg gives you access to the Tall Ships event and involves being part of the farewell Parade of Sail. There are a few berths available on each voyage. Voyages up until 9th September are for young people aged 16 – 25 years. The trip from Cadiz to Cardiff is for 18 – 75 year olds and is suited for those with some sailing experience and ideal for those working towards their Day Skipper, already have their Day Skipper are wanting to build their sailing skills and get some sea miles under their belt. To enquire email the Challenge Wales office. Check out the Tall Ships Races and Information Pack here. To make this voyage as accessible as possible bursaries may be available for any of the voyages if you are aged under 26 years.

Half Marathon Fundraising

Challenge Wales Trustee, Vicky Williams, is brushing off her running shoes and fundraising on Sunday 2nd October in the Cardiff Half Marathon to raise funds for Challenge Wales.

COVID has reduced the number of voyages operating this year and with the cost of living increases, Challenge Wales knows that it is going to need to raise more funds to enable more people to tap into its bursary scheme. The bursary scheme enables young people to have some of their voyage fees paid for them making access to Challenge Wales’ services easier.

“The impact of Challenge Wales’ activities has literally turned lives around” said Vicky. “One of our case studies is Jimmy: Jimmy went on a 5 day voyage with Challenge Wales. At the time he was struggling with drug addiction, no motivation and hanging around with the wrong people. During the 5 day voyage a huge change was seen in Jimmy. The voyage allowed him to escape negativity and with the supportive, positive, crew helping him to achieve. Jimmy said on the last day of his voyage he wanted to turn his life around. In the last 12 months Jimmy has now done that. He has moved away from drugs, he has cut out negativity in his life and volunteers to help the homeless. Jimmy came back to Challenge Wales for a 1 day voyage (14 months after his first voyage) to show the Challenge Wales crew how much he changed since his first voyage and show the impact of sail training. Jimmy thanked the Challenge Wales team for giving him a second chance.”

Anyone wishing to donate to Challenge Wales, and sponsor Vicky, can visit the JustGiving page here. And, if you are on the Cardiff Half Marathon course, keep your eye out for Vicky and give her and all the other runners a cheer and a wave.

More case studies on the impact of sail training on Challenge Wales can be found here.

There’s FUN in our FUNdraising

It was a day of fundraising on the water as Challenge Wales joined no fewer than 1,116 boats that had entered the iconic Round the Island Race.

A Race, around the Isle of Wight, that started in 1931 with just 25 boats, it has now become one of the largest yacht races in the world and a fantastic spectacle to watch from the water or the land.

Round the Island Race brings in much needed funds into the Challenge Wales charity and while adults onboard, who have paid for a berth, are having fun racing, by racing they are actually supporting young people to come on board for our youth development activities, which takes learning outside the classroom and out to sea, as all profits go to directly support the Challenge Wales charity.

For some it was their first time racing but the teamwork, communication, leadership, resilience and comraderie that is required in a race is exactly what is needed onboard Challenge Wales when sailing with young people. Throw in whatever the weather is going to bring and a sprinkle of fun and jumping onboard our boat, into sometimes the unknown, becomes a fantastic, memorable experience.

Challenge Wales was racing against two other Challenge 72’s and beat them across the finish line, being the 35th boat in the race to finish and finishing in a time of 6 hours 31 minutes and 31 seconds, one of her quickest times.

Challenge Wales is no stranger to racing as although she raced around the world twice, her youth work activities take her overseas Tall Ships Racing where she is crewed by 16 – 25 year olds as well as Small Ships Racing in the UK.

Of those onboard were four young people, aged 18 – 25, who were part of the team, all of whom had sailed before on Challenge Wales on previous one day or longer residential voyages.

With COVID restrictions stopping us taking part in this event in 2020 and 2021 it is a big thank you to everyone who jumped onboard to make Round the Island Race a special one for us!

To check out some of the highlights from the day (and Challenge Wales does make a couple of appearances) check out the highlights video here.


If you are interested in joining us for an adult voyage, corporate activity or you are wanting to learn more about our youth work and young persons outdoor education programme then visit www.challengewales.org

Students learning navigation on Challenge Wales

Youth Work Week 2022

This year’s Youth Work Week theme is Wellbeing. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the youth work sector; innovation, achievements and resilience while focusing on the 5 steps to wellbeing.

Evidence from NHS and Mind shows there are 5 steps to wellbeing; Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give. And Challenge Wales’ innovative youth work programme, its sail training programme which takes young people to sea, naturally encompasses these.

During Youth Work Week we are working with young people at sea who are sailing Challenge Wales from Cardiff, around Lands End, to Gosport and then racing with over 1,000 boats in one of the most iconic events in the nautical calendar. It’s a challenge, but one of the best opportunities to learn teamwork skills, resilience, communication, develop confidence, have fun while meeting different people.

So how do our activities link in with the 5 steps to wellbeing?

CONNECT: Social relationships and being valued are so important for people’s wellbeing. In sail training you will be speaking to new people, you will be connecting with your friends, our volunteers (who are informal youth workers) will be asking how you are getting on and, working as part of a team onboard gives you that sense of belonging.

BE ACTIVE: Regular activity is associated with reducing depression and anxiety across all age groups. Chemical changes in your brain can positively change your mood while doing exercise. Although we will be sailing on a boat, you will be winching and hoisting sails, moving around the boat and using different muscles to keep you balanced. Having some downtime in the evening onboard means a nice stroll to explore a new port, and getting those steps in. Sail training gives you a good workout in the outdoors.

Young people hoisting a sail on a tall ship

TAKE NOTICE: Being in the present moment can help your mental wellbeing. Take notice of your thoughts, your feelings, your body and the world around you. When out at sea you will have time to sit and reflect, to relax and talk to appreciate the salt spray on your skin and breathing the fresh air. You will be keeping a look out while on board so being aware of what is around you is important.

LEARN: Our amazing volunteer crew are there to help you learn and that will happen from the moment you step onboard. From learning about sea safety, to learning how to put up sails. Learning about ocean literacy, plankton and microplastics to learning nautical terminology. Evidence shows learning a new skill can boost confidence and self esteem while helping you to connect with your fellow crew mates.

GIVE: Small acts of kindness can help your mental wellbeing. While our volunteers are donating their time to crew a sail training voyage, those taking part in the voyage will all play their part. Helping to tidy up, helping to wash up, helping to look after each other. Our boats sail best when we have a very happy crew so looking after each other is key.

Happy Youth Work Week everyone.

If you’re interested in jumping onboard Challenge Wales or Adventure Wales to improve your mental health and wellbeing, connect to the ocean, make new friends, learn a new skill or hone an old one then get in touch by calling 029 20 704657 or emailing the Challenge Wales office.

Young people winching onboard Challenge Wales yacht

Boat Camp Is Back

Following the success of our first Boat Camp in 2021, we’ve launched another date for Boat Camp for those that are a little bit older aged 16 -25 years.

Although most young people jump on Challenge Wales or Adventure Wales boats as part of a group, we know that being part of a group isn’t possible for everyone and that was when Boat Camp was realised.

The next Boat Camp is Thursday 14th April and is a full day on the sail training vessel Adventure Wales. No sailing experience is required to take part and all waterproofs and equipment is provided.

Those onboard might be interested in trying something new, improving their social skills or learning new activities as part of a team. The day voyage is great for those looking to put something on their CV and highlight those important soft skills, while others are looking to just have a day on the water with like-minded people. The activities onboard help people understand more about ocean literacy, are evidenced to improve mental health and wellbeing and give young people an opportunity to learn more about having a career at sea and future opportunities. Our experienced crew will be there to help everyone get the most out of the day and support them.

The full cost for the day is £95 but a guaranteed bursary is available to reduce the cost to £50. Should a participant require further financial assistance then an additional bursary of £20 is available which reduces the full cost to just £30. Fundraising has made the bursary possible, but if someone doesn’t require a bursary then they can pay what they can afford (between £30 and £95) and the bursary not utilised will go towards helping someone else to come onboard.

To book a place, please email the Challenge Wales office or call 029 20 704657.

Download the Boat Camp poster here!

Picture of young person on the helm of sailing yacht Challenge Wales

Free Drop-In Event in Cardiff Bay

Join Challenge Wales and other activity providers at a free drop-in event, 3pm – 7pm on Tuesday 7th September at Cardiff Bay Yacht Club.

The event is open to young people, teachers, group leaders and community groups to highlight the sailing opportunities that are available in Cardiff Bay.

The aim of the event is to get more young people on the water and as well as being able to jump onboard for a free tour of Challenge Wales, there are other opportunities to have a taster sail on the bay with the teams from Cardiff Watersports Centre and Cardiff Bay Yacht Club.

There is also the opportunity to speak to the Challenge Wales Team and other watersports providers to learn how sailing helps with young people’s mental health, develops their life-skills to help their confidence and employability prospects, how sailing links in with STEM learning and how to get started in sailing.

Whether you have an hour free to have a go or just 10 minutes to drop in and learn more, the Challenge Wales Team would love to see you as well as the other partners supporting the event.

This event is being supported by RYA Cymru Wales (The National Governing Body of sailing in Wales), All-Afloat (The leading Welsh charity supporting opportunities to get young people into sailing), Cardiff Bay Yacht Club (who are hosting the event and providing taster sailing sessions), Cardiff Watersports Centre (owned by Cardiff Harbour Authority and deliver boating opportunities in the Bay) as well as Challenge Wales (who provide accredited learning and life-skills development opportunities as well as volunteering, sailing and adventures at sea).

The free event is being held at Cardiff Bay Yacht Club, Ferry Road, Cardiff, CF11 0JL. Free parking is available. Although you don’t need to register, if you do plan on attending it is helpful if you let us know you are coming by emailing Phil.tilley@All-afloat.wales

Run For Us In The Virtual London Marathon

Are you ready to take on the virtual Virgin Money London Marathon for #TeamChallengeWales and by doing so support more young people to participate in our life-changing youth development programme?

The London Marathon is one of the most iconic running events in the world and now it’s your turn to be part of its history.

When: Sunday 3rd October 2021
Where: Anywhere
Start / Finish of event: 00:00hrs – 23:59:59hrs (BST)

This year the Virgin Money London Marathon is set to be the world’s largest marathon with 100,000 participants. 50,000 taking part on the streets of London (in the traditional London Marathon from Blackheath to the Mall) and 50,000 taking part around the world in the virtual London Marathon.

You can join us on the course of your choice; round your neighbourhood, through Cardiff, Plymouth or Aberdeen, it’s your choice, it’s your course. You will have almost 24 hours to run, walk or jog the 26.2 miles which makes the virtual Virgin London Marathon really achievable for all abilities.

Registration Fee: £20
Sponsorship Pledge: £200

The Sponsorship Pledge is the minimum amount of sponsorship (not including Gift Aid) we would like our virtual London Marathon runners, joggers and walkers to aim to achieve although it can be more than this.

To help you achieve the distance, the London Marathon app will help you bring the virtual experience to life, with an exclusive audio commentary featuring famous voices!

How to sign up and be part of #TeamChallengeWales
If you would like to join #TeamChallengeWales and be part of the Virtual London Marathon then please APPLY HERE.
We will then be in touch to advise how to pay your registration fee and then we will help you set up your fundraising page for donations. Please note we have 5 virtual places for the 2021 London Marathon and runners need to be registered by 16:00hrs 16th July 2021
We will then promote your fundraising page on our social media channels and website to help you raise even more! It’s that simple.

If you would like to speak to us about a virtual place then please email the office.

If you’ve got your own place in the Virgin Money London Marathon why not run for Challenge Wales?

How money raised will help disadvantaged young people?
Challenge Wales is a predominantly volunteer-run charity that works with disadvantage young people enabling them to develop their life skills to improve their potential and prospects in life. Our activities at sea onboard our two sail training vessels develop teamwork skills, communication skills, improve self-confidence and improve mental health. Skills that are necessary to help young people move into work, education or training. Your donations and sponsorship will enable Challenge Wales to continue its programme of voyages and work with more young people who need focus and direction and opportunities to help them to succeed. To find out more, why not read some of our case studies.

World Sailing RYA and Steering the Course logo

World Sailing Global Women’s Sailing Festival Features Challenge Wales Trustee

The #SteeringThe Course festival is focussing on inspirational women participating in sailing, whether it is on the water, or off, but who are playing their part in getting people involved in sailing.

Vicky Williams, part of the Challenge Wales team

Vicky shares her story with World Sailing/RYA Cymru;

“I came from a non-sporty, non-sailing family and was introduced into sailing by a friend in my late teens, who I sailed for fun with on a few occassions. At that time I was actively competing in Dragon Boat Racing (which I really loved) and really enjoyed being on the water but sailing was completely new and a bit outside my comfort zone. My first sailing experiences were all about being an extra body onboard and just having a go. A few years later my husband (who had been a competitive sailor) bought a 41ft boat and I learnt the basics of sailing, learning the ropes and becoming a competent pair of hands.

A few years later I had the opportunity to jump onboard a Challenge 72, an ex round-the-world racing yacht (now known as Challenge Wales) and knowing how sailing might not always be or feel that accessible and that it can really develop social, communication and teamwork skills, I became a Board Member of the Challenge Wales sail training charity. A charity that uses sailing to inspire and develop young people to achieve their potential. Giving young people the opportunity to sail Challenge Wales and now our second vessel Adventure Wales has enabled some to take a career into the sailing world, for others it has enabled a career into the marine world, for others it has enabled them to feel positive about themselves and motivated them that anything can be possible.

Initially, I was not just a board member but a volunteer crew on many of the voyages but as I was hands-on with helping the new charity develop I stepped back from crewing to enable me to also meet all the people who were jumping onboard, bring in funding and recruit volunteer crew. Now as we head into our 12th year of operation I am amazed how far Challenge Wales has grown. The charity has sailed with thousands of young people jumping onboard, we have 100 volunteers as positive role models, our innovative sail training programme has received recognition within the industry and youth work sector and we even represented Wales at the Queens Jubilee Pageant in London in 2012.

In 2019 we piloted a couple of Ladies Only Sailing Days and a Sea and Tell programme which brings our sailing activities and sea-safety to younger children who can explore our boats in a safe way.

Being outdoors on the water is great for your mental health and connecting with nature and I am passionate about sustainability and environmental issues particularly microplastics (unfortunately) so it’s great that I can do this and learn through sailing and more importantly share my enthusiasm with others. I am one of those people that if I see an opportunity I grab it with both hands and will also encourage others to do the same. I hope for those who haven’t started sailing when they were really young realise there are still opportunities for getting involved out there.

Challenge Wales offers sailing opportunities for adults as well as young people. The charity works with young people aged 12 – 25 years but other activities the charity does means those aged 18 – 80 can also come sailing, volunteer as crew or get involved behind the scenes to enable more young people to have the opportunity.

We're recruiting for new roles at Challenge Wales

We’re Recruiting

Join us and share our amazing adventures!  As the Challenge Wales sail training charity looks forward to the future and restarting its activities we are on the hunt for a Skipper to join the team. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone who has the right sailing experience, fun and enthusiastic outlook , ability to manage maintenance activities, lead a team and wants to help young people develop their potential.

Deadline for applications:  21st May 2021

Click here to read the Skipper Job Description

This role will remain open until the right candidate is found.

Any enquiries regarding this role can be directed to the Challenge Wales office.

Coop Foundation Logo

Co-op Members Around The UK Can Support Challenge Wales

Challenge Wales is one of the charities selected by the Co-op Community Fund that will be supported this year so whether you live local to the charity or not, anyone who shops at a Co-op shop can help Challenge Wales.
This comes at a great time when food shopping is definitely an essential activity during Lockdown (and of course outside of Lockdown) and charities have been hard hit by the impact of Coronavirus.

Challenge Wales has set itself a target to raise a few thousand pounds through the Co-op and its members to help no fewer than 100 disadvantaged young people through the charity’s innovative outdoor sailing and shore-side activity programme. This will benefit the young people through improved life skills, improved individual potential, and improved mental health, something that Coronavirus has really impacted on.
Young people hoisting a sail on the Adventure Wales boat in Cardiff

To help Challenge Wales reach its target, you will need to be a member of the Co-op (don’t worry, if you’re not a member yet as you can become a member for just £1….which you then get back in-store discounts) and for every £1 you spend, 2p gets donated to community organisations like us.

To choose Challenge Wales as your nominated charity please click here as every penny you spend will really help us.
Remember though, you can only raise money with your Co-op shop if you are a member of the Co-op. To become a member of Co-op you can sign up here or from our Challenge Wales page on the Co-op website.

The Co-op Foundation helps those that are disadvantaged to overcome their challenges by getting the community to work together and help young people contribute positively to their communities.

What an exciting way to start 2021. Happy Shopping!