This year, we need to raise £50,000 to enhance and upgrade Wales’ Tall Ship – Challenge Wales. By investing in improvements, we can continue to support young people across Wales and the UK to steer towards a brighter future and reach their potential.
Challenge Wales activities are transformational, giving young people an opportunity to develop employability skills, improve resilience, improve self-confidence, improve teamwork and communication skills while in a safe and fun learning environment…at sea.
Our activities are evidenced to improve mental health, and provide a pathway into the marine industry whether it is a first step on the ladder, learning about environmental stewardship and ocean literacy or by bringing STEM subjects to life. But young lives don’t change unless our team of amazing volunteers are there. A dedicated group of people who ensure young people get the best out of their voyage and out of themselves but are also there helping to get the boat ship-shape through maintenance activities.
Where funding from Trusts and Foundations is becoming extremely limited due to many other charities ‘fighting’ for the same pot of money and not enough funding to go around, we need to look wider at how we bring much needed funds into the charity, and do this continuously throughout the year. But this year due to the cost-of-living crisis we need financial support more than ever. Not only will it help our future sustainability as an organisation but with the majority of young people needing bursaries to jump onboard, we continue to rely on Trusts for bursary support for our young people.
Young people who have sailed on Challenge Wales over the last 15 years have come from a diverse range of backgrounds; from young carers to those that are homeless, to those who have lost focus in life to those who have are in the care system, to those who are unemployed or suffering from mental health issues to those who want to try an adventure, to those who have faced inequalities to those who need help finding a career or purpose. Our boat is more than a boat, it’s a classroom, a safe space to find sanctuary, a community where everyone supports each other, and a vehicle that connects people with new opportunities and experiences helping them reach their potential. We’ve been there for them, so can you be here for us now and help us with a donation.
Should we raise more or less of the funding we require for our upgrade, then at the Trustees discretion the charity will use the funds as they see fit in the best interests of Challenge Wales.