This year, we need to raise £50,000 to enhance and upgrade Wales’ Tall Ship – Challenge Wales. By investing in improvements, we can continue to support young people across Wales and the UK to steer towards a brighter future and reach their potential.
Challenge Wales activities are transformational, giving young people an opportunity to develop employability skills, improve resilience, improve self-confidence, improve teamwork and communication skills while in a safe and fun learning environnment…at sea.
Our activities are evidenced to improve mental health, and provide a pathway into the marine industry whether it is a first step on the ladder, learning about environmental stewardship and ocean literacy or by bringing STEM subjects to life. But young lives don’t change unless our team of amazing volunteers are there. A dedicated group of people who ensure young people get the best out of their voyage and out of themselves but are also there helping to get the boat ship-shape through maintenance activities.
Where funding from Trusts and Foundations is becoming extremely limited due to many other charities ‘fighting’ for the same pot of money and not enough funding to go around, we need to look wider at how we bring much needed funds into the charity, and do this continuously throughout the year. But this year due to the cost-of-living crisis we need financial support more than ever. Not only will it help our future sustainability as an organisation but with the majority of young people needing bursaries to jump onboard, we continue to rely on Trusts for bursary support for our young people.
Young people who have sailed on Challenge Wales over the last 15 years have come from a diverse range of backgrounds; from young carers to those that are homeless, to those who have lost focus in life to those who have are in the care system, to those who are unemployed or suffering from mental health issues to those who want to try an adventure, to those who have faced inequalities to those who need help finding a career or purpose. We’ve been there for them, so can you be here for us now and help us with a donation.
Where your money will go:
Lift Out and scrubbing & painting her bottom: This helps keep Challenge Wales ship shape and is vital for safety and longevity. Lifting 50 tonnes of boat, landing her and storing her on land in the boat yard is no mean feat and takes a team to do this
Life Jacket and Life Raft servicing: Safety is crucial onboard a sail training vessel and all our safety equipment gets replaced after time or if they get damaged during the season
VHF Radio System: We need to replace our current system which is vital for communication and safety during sailing
Radar: Our radar is almost 20 years old and now needs replacing. It enables us to safely navigate in low visibility conditions
Marine Computers / navigation displays and onboard systems: Over the years our computers and systems which provide information to help us navigate safely start to feel their age. These systems help us understand the boat speed, boat depth and wind and computers also help us bring our below deck space to life as an interactive classroom. Marine electronic equipment is naturally more expensive than what you will find in your home or office as it needs to be durable to withstand the moving motion of the boat
Refit Bits and Bobs: There are lots of other things that we need during maintenance activities with Challenge Wales. From hiring scaffolding ladders to masking tape! We always need specialist tradespeople to help us look after Challenge Wales and do the jobs that our volunteers are not trained to do, from welding to carpentry and more. But we also need tools for volunteers to help them do some of the tasks including paintbrushes, PPE and then we need anti-fouling paint….and lots of it.
Core Costs: Core costs are those important running costs that means we can manage and do all this work, it covers a contribution towards insurance, our mooring fees, our electricity, stationery and our office costs. Not covering these costs during our maintenance and refit period would impact on the work that we need to do. Very few funders cover core costs meaning it can cause charities to struggle, but is one of the most important costs to cover for charities.
Compass: We always need to know if we are coming or going and our compass will certainly help point us in the right direction. Our current compass is damaged and will need replacing.
How to Donate:
You can donate securely through Justgiving by clicking the ‘Donate Now’ button below:
If you wish to speak to us about your donation, or wishing to donate directly or help us with support of in-kind donations then please call us on 029 20 704657 or contact us through the Contact form at the top of the website. Thank you.
Should we raise more or less of the funding we require for our upgrade, then at the Trustees discretion the charity will use the funds as they see fit in the best interests of Challenge Wales.
Enterprise Mobility Helps Drive More Outdoor Learning Opportunities
Thanks to a £2,000 donation from Enterprise Mobility, more young people will have the opportunity to learn employability skills and have access to outdoor learning with Challenge Wales.
This generous donation will enable more young individuals to engage in transformative outdoor learning experiences which fostering personal growth, resilience, a deeper connection with the ocean and improves employability skills,, helping young people achieve their potential. The Challenge Wales programme not only enhances academic learning but promotes physical and emotional well-being.
“We are incredibly grateful for the support from Enterprise Mobility” said Vicky Williams, Challenge Wales Co-Founder and Business Development Manager, “This donation will help us deliver more outdoor learning opportunities helping to put more young people on the road to a positive future”.
“At Enterprise Mobility, we are deeply invested in supporting and bettering our local communities. It has been a pleasure to donate to Challenge Wales, an organization that changes lives through their unique voyage experiences. As local Welsh business partner, we are delighted to see the impact this contribution will have on their efforts to develop life skills and provide life-changing opportunities. We look forward to continuing our partnership and supporting their incredible work” Abby Shardlow, Area Manager South Wales.
Challenge Wales youth development programme continues until November, and will then restart in April 2025. Activities range from 3-hour shore-side sessions focussed on microplastics to 1 day accredited voyages with Agored Cymru to 5 day and longer residential activities. Bursary funding helps many young people jump onboard to improve access to these opportunities for those who would benefit the most.
PennyWise Impact Programme Launched
For many organisations finding themselves doing budgetary ballet as they sail towards their financial year end, enter Challenge Wales who can help alleviate any problems and step in to help.
Challenge Wales has launched a new service; the ‘PennyWise Impact’ programme to benefit those organisations looking to spend their last pounds and pence this month (although it could be any month depending on when your accounting year ends) in a meaningful way. How amazing does that sound? It helps companies spend their pennies wisely which in turn will provide a measurable impact on a charity and young people’s lives.
We’ve compiled a list of some of the things you could do, but feel free to discuss other ideas with us. You could:
* Support a place for a young person on a personal development voyage. This person is the workforce of tomorrow and who knows could be working for you in the future….or your competitors!
* Allocate us a grant towards our core costs or one of our programmes – we can acknowledge it in our social media and you can let people know about it too. Whether it is a modest contribution or a grand gesture every penny helps Challenge Wales provide more innovative outdoor educational activities. Don’t worry, we can work to your budget.
* You can book a Leadership Development Residential course with our partners E3i onboard our boat in a unique learning environment. Take what you have learnt into the workplace to create high performing teams which can contribute to increasing your efficiency and productive as well as improve working relationships.
* You can book a day out on the water with us for unparalleled networking. You will have a captive audience so great at enhancing relationships and they will see you championing a charitable cause.
* You could help us buy some equipment to enable us to undertake Ocean Literacy activities. That’s a great big tick for sustainability and amplifying your ESG triumphs, and with our Ocean Literacy educational programme we will be passing knowledge on to young people so it becomes a much bigger tick for the environment and safeguarding our shared blue planet.
* You could sponsor one of our shore-side volunteer training days. Our ‘SEA-ing the Bigger Picture’ session enables us to undertake diversity awareness training, safeguarding sessions and ocean literacy training with our volunteers in our office classroom.
* Charitable Change: Make a contribution to the Challenge Wales charity and then roll up your sleeves and take part in some volunteering. You can witness first hand where your money was spent and the transformative impact of taking disadvantaged young people to sea. Your contribution will enable us to provide the right support for young people wanting to volunteer too.
These are just a few ideas to help budgets get spent and we are just a phone call or email away for a friendly chat.
Don’t worry, we will dispatch that invoice with the swiftness of a boat catching the next high tide out of Cardiff Bay. For those of a non-sailing disposition that means we will invoice VERY quickly ensuring we meet your deadline.
If you think our PennyWise Impact programme can impact on your year end budget then get in touch; or call 029 20 704657
Epic 3,000 mile fundraising row for Challenge Wales by Cardiff Dad
Stalked by a sea creature, facing 40ft waves and facing sleep deprivation was a challenging and adventurous way to raise vital funds for local sail training charity, Challenge Wales.
Cardiff resident and Challenge Wales supporter, John Solosy set sail in a 28 foot vessel with 3 of his friends in December in a mammoth effort to raise £100,000 for 4 charities, including Challenge Wales.
Faced with fierce storms, being stalked by a 15-foot marlin with a very sharp, sword-like bill, rowing in excess of 1.5 million strokes during the race and eating 7,000 calories a day John had trained for two years for this epic adventure yet five months earlier had knee replacement surgery. Where this might have put off some people, John saw it as physiotherapy that was making a big difference!
The team ‘The Big Oardeal’ took part in the World’s Toughest Row and pushed their physical and mental boundaries with remarkable levels of resilience and dedication. The four crewmates (including another John from Cardiff and James & Richard from Norfolk started the race in the Canary Islands and 41 days, 6 hours and 44 minutes later crossed the finish line in Antigua.
So why did John row the Atlantic? John said: “Rowing the Atlantic will be a test unlike anything I have ever attempted. I am fascinated to see how the challenge pushes me emotionally, mentally and physically while still trying to enjoy the beauty of being in the middle of the Ocean. When growing up the outdoors provided a great way to escape from the challenges of being a teenager in the London suburbs and since then I have loved the peace, tranquillity and challenges that the outdoor provides. Challenge Wales provides a unique opportunity for young people to develop their personal skills and life skills in an exhilarating environment, creating truly life-changing opportunities that will not only help the individuals who participate but also those around them. What better charity could there be to align myself to.”
Vicky Williams, Co-Founder and Manager of Challenge Wales said ” From everyone at Challenge Wales, we would like to congratulate the Big Oardeal for their epic achievement of rowing across the Atlantic and raising over £25,000 for the Challenge Wales charity. Myself and the Challenge Wales Team followed their journey every day on social media and on the boat tracker and we gathered ourselves around the laptop to watch them cross the finish line live. We are incredibly grateful for John and his 3 amazing team mates for what they did and their support has never been so important to small charities like us. The funding will help us to enable more disadvantaged young people to have a life-enhancing personal development opportunity through our outdoor education programme at sea. Our programme has a huge impact and helps young people face challenges, improves mental health, enhances teamwork and communication skills, increases their awareness of ocean literacy and improves resilience – although the rowers would have experienced the same on their boat at least when onboard Challenge Wales, we can stop in port and also have fun learning shore-side.“
Watch Big Oardeal’s amazing journey here. (courtesy of World’s Toughest Row)
To donate to the Big Oardeal Team and John [Solosy’s] fundraising for Challenge Wales visit; The Big Oardeal’s JustGiving page.