It’s not every day you stumble into a dinosaur footprint, but for Challenge Wales Youth Worker, Kerry, a lone walk may have taken her into a Jurrasic world.
On a lockdown walk in April on Penarth Beach, Kerry spotted some unusual markings on a section of rock.

Excited, and curious she took some photos and got in touch with the Natural History Museum in London who are now investigating the find to see if these footprints could really be from a relation of the T-Rex.
Although you will often find Kerry on the water on one of our sail training vessels, she has already brought some of the outdoor learning programme to shore focussing on the environmental impact of humans on land through microplastic surveys and analysing litter during litter picks. As a youth worker, Kerry is always on the look-out to develop the Challenge Wales educational programme further with something unique. But, finding dino was not something she was expecting on her lockdown litter-picking walk!

“I knew the area had a history of dinosaur discoveries, so I am hoping I have found something really exciting. “
At Challenge Wales HQ, we can’t wait to see what gets uncovered and no doubt it will add to our outdoor educational activities. And, as the footprints have been found on the Welsh coast, who knows it might be a Dai-nosaurus Rex!
All photos in this article have been taken by Kerry Rees for Challenge Wales to use.